Tuesdays with…Spicie Foodie

So, tell me, have you enjoyed meeting my bloggy friends? I hope so, I’ve had a lot of fun celebrating my blogiversary with them, I’m so grateful they hung out with us. I’m rounding off the month-long celebration with this one, but no worries, I will bring this feature back in 2011. I promise, but  for now, let’s meet Nancy!

I was immediately intrigued with her blog, Spicie Foodie, the first time I read it. Nancy is a Latina living and cooking Mexican recipes in Europe, a feat when you consider the availability, or lack thereof, of traditional ingredients. Nonetheless, she’s managed…quite beautifully as you’ll see from her photographs. Yes. I envy every shot on her blog. Enough about me, heeeeere’s Nancy!

What is the elevator pitch for your blog?

Spicie Foodie is a blog about a Mexican expatriate cooking ethnic foods in Europe. Healthy, fresh and delicious recipes to spice up your kitchen!

Why and when did you decide to become a blogger?

It was in late July of 2009. Really the idea was because I badly needed a distraction from my job. All I wanted to do was be in the kitchen cooking,baking and experimenting. Then I started thinking it over in my head and mentioned it to my husband. He was very positive and for the idea, so I started my blog.

 What’s next for your blog

Well, I’ve just announced the release of my first cookbook. It’s called An Epiphany of the Senses, and you could say it’s my blog come to life. Most of the recipes are new but it still has all of the Spicie Foodie soul in it. I’ve poured all of my heart and soul into my book and the goal is to just keep getting the word out about it and see where it goes from there. Also the YBR (Your Best Recipe) event is gaining popularity and I am looking forward to hosting it every month.

What sound or noise do you hate?

I hate the sound of paper being folded. You know when someone slowly folds the crease until it’s completely flat, running their finger or nail across it. Eeeek! Just writing this makes me cringe!

Lucy & Ethel or Monica & Rachel? 

I have to admit that I’ve only watched like 2 episodes of Friends. So I don’t know much about those characters, hehe no I don’t live in a cave. But regardless I would still choose Lucy & Ethel. I loved that show so much, so glad for reruns. I’m totally Lucy, always in trouble and my husband could say , “Naaannncyy you got some esplainin to do”, on more than a hundred occasions.

If you had 3 wishes, what wouldn’t you wish for?

I wouldn’t wish for cold rainy weather, I wouldn’t wish for love-handles and I wouldn’t wish for a shortage on Cocoa. (Can’t live without chocolate!)

If you have to hire a TV attorney, past or present, who’d represent you? 

Lionel Hutz from the Simpsons. Is he still on the show I wonder? Well if I needed a really good Lawyer it would be Patti Hewes, she’s a real cut throat biatch! and you know she would win. I love the Simpsons and just watched a couple episodes of Damages, great show.

I love Damages too, Glenn Close totally rocks that role. Those were just a few questions I asked, but Nancy, in true Latina form, had more to say. So I’m just handing this over to her and making myself a cocktail. Talk among yourselves.

Hi everyone and thank you Anamaris for inviting me to do a guest post on your blog. When Anamaris invited me she asked if I could share a recipe with you that showed how living in Europe has influenced my Mexican dishes. For those of you familiar with my blog you know that I am a Mexican expatriate and I’ve spoken a lot about the lack of authentic Mexican ( and other ethnic) ingredients where I live. This has lead to my experimenting with the local ingredients available as well as learning to make many things from scratch.

While I have always strived to stay as authentic as possible with my ethnic cooking, sometimes it can be extremely difficult to find what I need. One Mexican dish or rather salsa that is commonly served at my house is Pico de Gallo also know as Salsa Mexican. A simple salsa made from tomato, onion,cilantro, fresh chiles, lime juice, and spices. Sounds simple enough no? Well, fresh Jalapeños or Serranos are virtually non-existent here in Prague. Limes are usually hard as a rock and not worth spending money on. Cilantro is not always available either, especially in the winter. Limes are not a local product, fresh hot chiles are not in the local cuisine either. But both parsley and radishes are abundantly available all year round.  So on those occasions where the Mexican ingredients are not available I’ve created a different version of Pico de Gallo. You can say it’s a Czech take on a Mexican classic. 

 Doesn’t this look amazzzzing?!!!

Spicie Foodie’s Czech-xican Pico de Gallo

4 Roma tomatoes, finely diced
1 small white or yellow onion, finely diced
8 small red radishes, finely sliced
large handful of finely chopped flat leaf parsley
1 large lime or substitute with a small lemon, juiced
1 tsp. red pepper flakes ( I add more for a spicier version)
1/2 tsp. granulated garlic 
1/2 – 1 tsp. salt
a pinch of  ground black pepper

Gently mix all ingredients in a large bowl until well combined. Cover the bowl with kitchen wrap, place in the refrigerator and allow to cool for 10 minutes before serving. Serve with corn chips as a healthy snack or as a topping or accompaniment to a Mexican meal.

Nancy is currently accepting entries for Your Best Recipe (YBR), just click that link to see who’s in and to submit your own. Since she has changed the format a bit to make it about the year’s best recipe, I’m taking my time to decide, I think I will enlist your help! For now, don’t wait any longer, go visit my friend Spicie Foodie, she’ll be really nice to you.

12 thoughts on “Tuesdays with…Spicie Foodie

  1. Yummmmm! This looks absolutely fabulous!

    And, I, too, hate the sound of paper folding…makes my teeth ‘itch’ hehe!

    Love Nancy and her food!

  2. Great post..how great it is from you to invite Nancy over for Q&A…and her recipes are so amazing, as well as her photos! I enjoyed reading this very much!

  3. Hey Nancy! Your Eastern European version of pico de gallo looks delicious. Radishes seem to go well with anything. They are so crunchy and good…
    Oh, and thanks for bringing me over to Anamaris’s blog. I’m going to snoop around a bit..

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